Prompt Hints

  1. The beginning of the prompt is prioritized, so try putting the most important part at the start.

  2. Prompt Weighting (advanced)

    To prioritize a specific section of a prompt, try adding weighting (:number). For example - "/imagine a beautiful house with lush greenery, pink tones:2" this will put more importance on the color pink. This functionality is advanced and can be challenging for new users.

Be descriptive!

  1. Be Specific: Detail is critical. The more specific you are about what you want, the better the AI can generate an image that matches your vision. Specify the subject, the scene, background elements, colors, mood, and any particular style or aesthetic you're aiming for.

  2. Style and Artist Influence: If you're inspired by a particular artist's style, mention it in your prompt, but remember to focus on describing the style rather than just naming the artist, especially if they are contemporary. For instance, instead of saying "in the style of Van Gogh," you might say "in a post-impressionistic style with bold, dramatic brush strokes and vibrant colors."

  3. Balance Detail with Flexibility: While specifics are good, too many details can sometimes restrict the AI too much, leading to less creative outcomes. Balance the details with some openness to allow the AI some creative freedom.

  4. Use Artistic Descriptors: Terms like "surreal," "minimalist," "photorealistic," "abstract," or "expressionist" can guide the AI towards a certain artistic interpretation. These terms help the AI understand not just what to create but how to stylize it.

  5. Composition and Perspective: Mention the perspective or composition of your image, like "bird's eye view," "close-up," "wide-angle," or "framed through a window." This helps the AI understand how elements should be arranged relative to each other.

  6. Experiment with Iterations: Sometimes the first prompt might not yield the perfect result. Be prepared to refine your prompts based on the outputs. Adjusting even one or two words can significantly change the outcome.

  7. Utilize the Community: Many AI art platforms have communities (like Discord servers) where users share their prompts and results. Observing what works for others can provide valuable insights and inspiration for crafting your own prompts.

  8. Consider the Mood and Atmosphere: Describing the emotional tone or atmosphere you want can help guide the AI. Terms like "mysterious," "serene," "chaotic," "joyful," or "gloomy" set the emotional tone of the image.

  9. Use Analogies or Scenarios: Sometimes describing a scene as if it's part of a story can help. For example, "a futuristic city with towering skyscrapers, illuminated by neon lights under a twilight sky," gives a narrative context that can enhance creativity.

  10. Feedback Loops: Use the outputs you get as feedback to refine your prompts. Analyze what you liked or didn't like about an image and adjust your prompts accordingly to better direct the AI in future attempts.

Last updated