
Sentinel is an AI-powered community moderator designed to keep your Telegram and Discord groups safe, orderly, and well-managed. Powered by Mirada AI's advanced technology, Sentinel is fully customizable and teachable, allowing you to provide it with any information necessary to respond to user queries effectively. It can detect and handle spam, translate messages, and even create custom commands, reducing staff requirements by managing 90% of moderation tasks automatically.

For a detailed list of commands, please refer to the Command List.

Telegram Setup

  1. Add Sentinel to Your Channel

  2. Make Sentinel an Admin

    • Once added, grant Sentinel administrative privileges in your channel.

  3. Configure Sentinel

    • Enter the command /configure in your channel. Sentinel will automatically set up in your group and whitelist you as an admin.

Discord Setup

  • Add Sentinel to Server

  • Make Sentinel an Admin

    • Once added, make sure Sentinel has administrative privileges.

  • Configure Sentinel

    • Enter the command /configure in your channel. Sentinel will automatically set up in your group and whitelist you as an admin.

Essential Setup Steps

After adding Sentinel to your channel and configuring it, you may want to customize its settings further. Here are the essential setup steps to get the most out of Sentinel:

Enabling and Disabling Commands

By default, Sentinel blocks all commands that are not explicitly allowed to minimize spam. You can enable or disable specific commands as needed.

  • Enable a Command /enable <command>

    Example: To enable the translation command, you would use: /enable mycommand

  • Disable a Command /disable <command>

    Example: To disable the translation command, you would use: /disable mycommand

Managing the Whitelist

The whitelist feature allows specific users to configure and manage Sentinel. To add or remove users from the whitelist, use the following commands:

  • Add User to Whitelist /whitelist <username>

    Example: To whitelist a user named "JohnDoe", you would use: /whitelist JohnDoe

  • Remove User from Whitelist /delwhitelist <username>

    Example: To remove "JohnDoe" from the whitelist, you would use: /delwhitelist JohnDoe

By following these steps, you can customize Sentinel to fit your community's specific needs, ensuring efficient and effective moderation.

Key Features

  • Customizable and Teachable: Tailor Sentinel to your community's specific needs by providing it with information to improve its responses.

  • Spam Detection and Handling: Automatically detects and manages spam. You can customize this feature to address new spam tactics.

  • Translation: Handles automatic translations for over 50 languages. Use the /translate command for manual translations, ensuring seamless communication across language barriers.

  • Cost-Effective: Operates based on usage, helping to reduce the need for extensive moderation staff by handling the majority of tasks.

By integrating Sentinel into your community, you ensure a more efficient, safe, and enjoyable experience for all members.

Last updated