Discord Bot
Join our Discord community https://discord.com/invite/GT8r4bjbK2 where you can discuss all things Mirada AI and find dedicated public channels for image generation and AI use.
You can also message the bot privately, just join the Discord server and message the bot.
You can also add the bot directly to your own server https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1180901770243887208&permissions=277025401856&scope=bot
It's effortless to use
Join the public Discord server
Image generation
Type "/imagine" with your prompt after it. Example - "/imagine beautiful landscape"
Type "/chat" with your question. Example - "/chat what is the price of bitcoin"
That's it! The bot will register your request, the AI will work its magic, and you will be sent your image within 60 seconds or less!
Last updated